I’ve had the good fortune of living and working in Boston and New York as home bases and working all over the country in some of the largest metropolitan areas including Los Angeles, Miami, St. Louis, Washington DC, Atlanta and many others, and I have yet to see the pride that I see regarding Detroit. It has struck me as curious.
Although its had its share of troubles, Detroit is resurfacing and reinventing itself, and the pride for this city is an undercurrent coursing through the streets of the city. I think it is due to a collective survival mentality. If you could start a business in Detroit, you are a fighter. Despite obstacles sometimes feeling insurmountable, these businesses have toughed it out are beginning to rise. It reminds me of a type of boot camp - a fraternal organization that collectively supports due to common hardship. This is Detroit’s time, and it will never be the same ever again.
I learned about The Seen Detroit’s movement (images below) and thought it would be a fantastic way to showcase the juxtaposition of Detroit’s rebuilding and reinvention. Every time I head downtown something is irreversibly different and will never return to what it was when I first moved here. There are many narratives about what it means, but to me, it simply means that it’s time to showcase a once in a lifetime experience.
Head over to TheSeenDetroit.com and learn about Nelson, his training at 1701 Bespoke as head clothier and how it has influenced his movement and drive to pay homage to both old and new Detroit.
Check out my new site at www.bradziegler.com and don’t forget to check outwww.theseendetroit.com.